Context-Propagation Support

Since 3.5.0, Reactor-Core embeds support for the io.micrometer:context-propagation SPI. This library is intended as a means to easily adapt between various implementations of the concept of a Context, of which ContextView/Context is an example, and between ThreadLocal variables as well.

ReactorContextAccessor allows the Context-Propagation library to understand Reactor Context and ContextView. It implements the SPI and is loaded via java.util.ServiceLoader. No user action is required, other than having a dependency on both reactor-core and io.micrometer:context-propagation. The ReactorContextAccessor class is public but shouldn’t generally be accessed by user code.

Reactor-Core supports two modes of operation with io.micrometer:context-propagation:

  • the default (limited) mode,

  • and the automatic mode, enabled via Hooks.enableAutomaticContextPropagation(). Please note that this mode applies only to new subscriptions, so it is recommended to enable this hook when the application starts.

Their key differences are discussed in the context of either writing data to Reactor Context, or accessing ThreadLocal state that reflects the contents of the Context of currently attached Subscriber for reading.

1. Writing to Context

Depending on the individual application, you might either have to store already populated ThreadLocal state as entries in the Context, or might only need to directly populate the Context.

1.1. contextWrite Operator

When the values meant to be accessed as ThreadLocal are not (or do not need to be) present at the time of subscription, they can immediately be stored in the Context:

// assuming TL is known to Context-Propagation as key TLKEY.
static final ThreadLocal<String> TL = new ThreadLocal<>();

// in the main Thread, TL is not set

Mono.deferContextual(ctx ->
      // we're now in another thread, TL is not explicitly set
      .map(v -> "delayed ctx[" + TLKEY + "]=" + ctx.getOrDefault(TLKEY, "not found") + ", TL=" + TL.get()))
.contextWrite(ctx -> ctx.put(TLKEY, "HELLO"))
.block(); // returns "delayed ctx[TLKEY]=HELLO, TL=null" in default mode
          // returns "delayed ctx[TLKEY]=HELLO, TL=HELLO" in automatic mode

1.2. contextCapture Operator

This operator can be used when one needs to capture ThreadLocal value(s) at subscription time and reflect these values in the Reactor Context for the benefit of upstream operators.

In contrast to the manual contextWrite operator, contextCapture uses the context-propagation API to obtain a ContextSnapshot and then uses that snapshot to populate the Reactor Context.

As a result, if there were any ThreadLocal values during subscription phase, for which there is a registered ThreadLocalAccessor, their values would now be stored in the Reactor Context and visible at runtime in upstream operators.

// assuming TL is known to Context-Propagation as key TLKEY.
static final ThreadLocal<String> TL = new ThreadLocal<>();

// in the main Thread, TL is set to "HELLO"

Mono.deferContextual(ctx ->
      // we're now in another thread, TL is not explicitly set
      .map(v -> "delayed ctx[" + TLKEY + "]=" + ctx.getOrDefault(TLKEY, "not found") + ", TL=" + TL.get()))
.contextCapture() // can be skipped in automatic mode when a blocking operator follows
.block(); // returns "delayed ctx[TLKEY]=HELLO, TL=null" in default mode
          // returns "delayed ctx[TLKEY]=HELLO, TL=HELLO" in automatic mode
In the automatic mode, blocking operators, such as Flux#blockFirst(), Flux#blockLast(), Flux#toIterable(), Mono#block(), Mono#blockOptional(), and relevant overloads, all perform contextCapture() transparently, so in most cases it is not necessary to add it.

2. Accessing ThreadLocal state

Starting from Reactor-Core 3.5.0, ThreadLocal state is restored in a limited set of operators. We call this behaviour the default (limited) mode. In 3.5.3, a new mode was added, the automatic mode, which provides access to ThreadLocal values throughout the reactive chain.

Reactor-Core performs ThreadLocal state restoration using the values stored in Context and ThreadLocalAccessor instances registered in ContextRegistry that match by key.

2.1. Default mode operators for snapshot restoration: handle and tap

In the default mode, both Flux and Mono variants of handle and tap will have their behavior slightly modified if the Context-Propagation library is available at runtime.

Namely, if their downstream ContextView is not empty they will assume a context capture has occurred (either manually or via the contextCapture() operator) and will attempt to restore ThreadLocals from that snapshot transparently. Any ThreadLocals for keys that are missing in the ContextView are left untouched.

These operators will ensure restoration is performed around the user-provided code, respectively:

  • handle will wrap the BiConsumer in one which restores `ThreadLocal`s

  • tap variants will wrap the SignalListener into one that has the same kind of wrapping around each method (this includes the addToContext method)

The intent is to have a minimalistic set of operators transparently perform restoration. As a result we chose operators with rather general and broad applications (one with transformative capabilities, one with side-effect capabilities)

//assuming TL is known to Context-Propagation.
static final ThreadLocal<String> TL = new ThreadLocal<>();

//in the main thread, TL is set to "HELLO"

  //we're now in another thread, TL is not set yet
  .doOnNext(v -> System.out.println(TL.get()))
  //inside the handler however, TL _is_ restored
  .handle((v, sink) ->"handled delayed TL=" + TL.get()))
  .block(); // prints "null" and returns "handled delayed TL=HELLO"

2.2. Automatic mode

In the automatic mode, all operators restore ThreadLocal state across Thread boundaries. In contrast, in the default mode only selected operators do so.

Hooks.enableAutomaticContextPropagation() can be called upon application start to enable the automatic mode. Please note that this mode applies only to new subscriptions, so it is recommended to enable this hook when the application starts.

It is not an easy task to achieve, as the Reactive Streams specification makes reactive chains Thread-agnostic. However, Reactor-Core does its best to control sources of Thread switches and perform snapshot restoration based on the Reactor Context, which is treated as the source of truth for ThreadLocal state.

While the default mode limits the ThreadLocal state only to the user code executed as arguments to the chosen operators, the automatic mode allows ThreadLocal state to cross operator boundaries. This requires proper cleanup to avoid leaking the state to unrelated code which reuses the same Thread. This requires to treat absent keys in the Context for registered instances of ThreadLocalAccessor as signals to clear the corresponding ThreadLocal state. This is especially important for an empty Context, which clears all state for registered ThreadLocalAccessor instances.

3. Which mode should I choose?

Both default and automatic modes have an impact on performance. Accessing ThreadLocal variables can impact a reactive pipeline significantly. If the highest scalability and performance is the goal, more verbose approaches for logging and explicit argument passing can be considered instead of relying on ThreadLocal state. If access to established libraries in the space of Observability, such as Micrometer and SLF4J, which use ThreadLocal state for convenience to provide meaningful production grade features is an understood compromise, the choice of the mode is yet another compromise to make. The automatic mode, depending on the flow of your application and the amount of operators used, can be either better or worse than the default mode. The only recommendation that can be given is to measure how your application behaves and what scalability and performance characteristics you obtain when presented with a load you expect.