About the Documentation
Stephane Maldini <@smaldini>; Simon Baslé <@simonbasle> Version 3.7.4
This section provides a brief overview of Reactor reference documentation. You do not need to read this guide in a linear fashion. Each piece stands on its own, though they often refer to other pieces.
1. Latest Version & Copyright Notice
The Reactor reference guide is available as HTML documents. The latest copy is available at projectreactor.io/docs/core/release/reference/index.html
Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others, provided that you do not charge any fee for such copies and further provided that each copy contains this Copyright Notice, whether distributed in print or electronically.
2. Contributing to the Documentation
The reference guide is written in Asciidoc using Antora, and you can find its sources at github.com/reactor/reactor-core/tree/main/docs/.
If you have an improvement or a suggestion, we will be happy to get a pull request from you!
We recommend that you check out a local copy of the repository so that you can
generate the documentation by running the asciidoctor
gradle task and checking the
rendering. Some of the sections rely on included files, so GitHub rendering is
not always complete.
To facilitate documentation edits, you can edit the current page from the Edit this Page link located in the upper right corner sidebar. The link opens
an edit UI directly on GitHub for the main source file for the current page. These links are
only present in the HTML5 version of this reference guide. They look like the following link:
Edit this Page to make changes to About the Documentation page.
3. Getting Help
You can reach out for help in several ways with Reactor:
Get in touch with the community on Gitter.
Ask a question on stackoverflow.com at
. -
Report bugs in Github issues. We closely monitor the following repositories: reactor-core (which covers the essential features) and reactor-addons (which covers reactor-test and adapters issues).
All of Reactor is open source, including this documentation. If you find problems with the docs or if you want to improve them, please get involved. |
4. Where to Go from Here
Head to Getting Started if you feel like jumping straight into the code.
If you are new to reactive programming, though, you should probably start with the Introduction to Reactive Programming.
If you are familiar with Reactor concepts and are just looking for the right tool for the job but cannot think of a relevant operator, try the Which operator do I need? Appendix.
In order to dig deeper into the core features of Reactor, head to Reactor Core Features to learn:
More about Reactor’s reactive types in the
, an Asynchronous Sequence of 0-N Items andMono
, an Asynchronous 0-1 Result sections. -
How to switch threading contexts using a scheduler.
How to handle errors in the Handling Errors section.
Unit testing? Yes it is possible with the
project! See Testing. -
Programmatically creating a sequence offers a more advanced way of creating reactive sources.
Other advanced topics are covered in Advanced Features and Concepts.