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logicalAnd(Mono,Mono) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.bool.BooleanMonoExtensionsKt
Extension to logically combine two Boolean with the AND operator.
logicalNAnd(Mono,Mono) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.bool.BooleanMonoExtensionsKt
Extension to logically combine two Boolean with the Not-AND (NAND) operator.
logicalNOr(Mono,Mono) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.bool.BooleanMonoExtensionsKt
Extension to logically combine two Boolean with the Not-OR (NOR) operator.
logicalOr(Mono,Mono) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.bool.BooleanMonoExtensionsKt
Extension to logically combine two Boolean with the OR operator.
logicalXOr(Mono,Mono) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.bool.BooleanMonoExtensionsKt
Extension to logically combine two Boolean with the exclusive-OR (XOR) operator.
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