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split(Flux) - function in reactor.kotlin.core.publisher.FluxExtensionsKt
Extension for flattening Flux of Iterable
StepVerifierExtensionsKt - class in reactor.kotlin.test
sum(Flux,Function1) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to map arbitrary values in a Flux to Numbers and return the sum of these Numbers as a Mono of Long.
sum(Flux) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to compute the Long sum of all values emitted by a Flux of Number and return it as a Mono of Long.
sumAll(Flux,Function1) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
General purpose extension function to map arbitrary values in a Flux to Numbers and return the sum of these Numbers as a Mono of Number.
sumAll(Flux) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
General purpose extension function to compute the sum of all values emitted by a Flux of Number and return it as a Mono.
sumAsBigDecimal(Flux) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to compute the BigDecimal sum of all values emitted by a Flux of Number and return it as a Mono of BigDecimal.
sumAsBigInt(Flux) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to compute the BigInteger sum of all values emitted by a Flux of Number and return it as a Mono of BigInteger.
sumAsDouble(Flux) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to compute the Double sum of all values emitted by a Flux of Number and return it as a Mono of Double.
sumAsFloat(Flux) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to compute the Float sum of all values emitted by a Flux of Number and return it as a Mono of Float.
sumAsInt(Flux) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to compute the Int sum of all values emitted by a Flux of Number and return it as a Mono of Int.
sumAsLong(Flux) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to compute the Long sum of all values emitted by a Flux of Number and return it as a Mono of Long.
sumDouble(Flux,Function1) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to map arbitrary values in a Flux to Numbers and return the sum of these Numbers as a Mono of Double, thus avoiding rounding down to zero decimal places.
sumDouble(Flux) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to compute the Double sum of all values emitted by a Flux of Number and return it as a Mono of Double.
switchIfEmpty(Mono,Function0) - function in reactor.kotlin.core.publisher.MonoExtensionsKt
Extension for Mono.switchIfEmpty accepting a function providing a Mono.
switchIfEmptyDeferred(Flux,Function0) - function in reactor.kotlin.core.publisher.FluxExtensionsKt
Extension for Flux.switchIfEmpty accepting a function providing a Publisher.
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