- the input and output typepublic final class UnicastProcessor<T> extends FluxProcessor<T,T> implements Fuseable.QueueSubscription<T>, Fuseable, Producer, Receiver
The implementation keeps the order of signals.
Fuseable.ConditionalSubscriber<T>, Fuseable.QueueSubscription<T>, Fuseable.ScalarCallable<T>, Fuseable.SynchronousSubscription<T>
Constructor and Description |
UnicastProcessor(java.util.Queue<T> queue) |
UnicastProcessor(java.util.Queue<T> queue,
Cancellation onTerminate) |
UnicastProcessor(java.util.Queue<T> queue,
java.util.function.Consumer<? super T> onOverflow,
Cancellation onTerminate) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
cancel() |
void |
clear() |
static <T> UnicastProcessor<T> |
Create a unicast
FluxProcessor that will buffer on a given queue in an
unbounded fashion. |
static <T> UnicastProcessor<T> |
create(java.util.Queue<T> queue)
Create a unicast
FluxProcessor that will buffer on a given queue in an
unbounded fashion. |
static <T> UnicastProcessor<T> |
create(java.util.Queue<T> queue,
Cancellation endcallback)
Create a unicast
FluxProcessor that will buffer on a given queue in an
unbounded fashion. |
static <T> UnicastProcessor<T> |
create(java.util.Queue<T> queue,
java.util.function.Consumer<? super T> onOverflow,
Cancellation endcallback)
Create a unicast
FluxProcessor that will buffer on a given queue in an
unbounded fashion. |
java.lang.Object |
Return the direct data receiver.
long |
Return defined element capacity
java.lang.Throwable |
Current error if any, default to null
long |
The prefetch configuration of the
Flux |
boolean |
isCancelled() |
boolean |
isEmpty() |
boolean |
Has this upstream started or "onSubscribed" ?
boolean |
Has this upstream finished or "completed" / "failed" ?
void |
onComplete() |
void |
onError(java.lang.Throwable t) |
void |
onNext(T t) |
void |
onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscription s) |
T |
poll() |
void |
request(long n) |
long |
Return defined element capacity, used to drive new
Subscription request needs. |
int |
requestFusion(int requestedMode)
Request a specific fusion mode from this QueueSubscription.
int |
size() |
void |
subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<? super T> s) |
java.lang.Object |
Return the direct source of data, Supports reference.
connect, connectSink, connectSink, serialize, switchOnNext, wrap
all, any, as, awaitOnSubscribe, blockFirst, blockFirst, blockFirstMillis, blockLast, blockLast, blockLastMillis, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, bufferMillis, bufferMillis, bufferMillis, bufferMillis, bufferMillis, bufferMillis, bufferMillis, cache, cache, cache, cache, cancelOn, cast, collect, collect, collectList, collectMap, collectMap, collectMap, collectMultimap, collectMultimap, collectMultimap, collectSortedList, collectSortedList, combineLatest, combineLatest, combineLatest, combineLatest, combineLatest, combineLatest, combineLatest, combineLatest, combineLatest, compose, concat, concat, concat, concat, concatDelayError, concatDelayError, concatDelayError, concatDelayError, concatMap, concatMap, concatMapDelayError, concatMapDelayError, concatMapDelayError, concatMapIterable, concatMapIterable, concatWith, count, create, create, defaultIfEmpty, defer, delay, delayMillis, delayMillis, delaySubscription, delaySubscription, delaySubscriptionMillis, delaySubscriptionMillis, dematerialize, distinct, distinct, distinctUntilChanged, distinctUntilChanged, doAfterTerminate, doOnCancel, doOnComplete, doOnError, doOnError, doOnError, doOnNext, doOnRequest, doOnSubscribe, doOnTerminate, elapsed, elapsed, elementAt, elementAt, empty, error, error, filter, firstEmitting, firstEmitting, firstEmittingWith, flatMap, flatMap, flatMap, flatMap, flatMap, flatMapIterable, flatMapIterable, flatMapSequential, flatMapSequential, flatMapSequential, flatMapSequential, from, fromArray, fromIterable, fromStream, generate, generate, generate, groupBy, groupBy, groupJoin, handle, hasElement, hasElements, hide, ignoreElements, interval, interval, intervalMillis, intervalMillis, intervalMillis, intervalMillis, join, just, just, last, last, limitRate, log, log, log, log, map, mapError, mapError, mapError, materialize, merge, merge, merge, merge, merge, merge, merge, mergeSequential, mergeSequential, mergeSequential, mergeSequential, mergeSequential, mergeSequential, mergeWith, never, next, ofType, onAssembly, onAssembly, onBackpressureBuffer, onBackpressureBuffer, onBackpressureBuffer, onBackpressureDrop, onBackpressureDrop, onBackpressureError, onBackpressureLatest, onErrorResumeWith, onErrorResumeWith, onErrorResumeWith, onErrorReturn, onErrorReturn, onErrorReturn, onTerminateDetach, parallel, parallel, parallel, publish, publish, publish, publish, publishNext, publishOn, publishOn, range, reduce, reduce, reduceWith, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeatWhen, replay, replay, replay, replay, replayMillis, replayMillis, retry, retry, retry, retry, retryWhen, sample, sample, sampleFirst, sampleFirst, sampleFirstMillis, sampleMillis, sampleTimeout, sampleTimeout, scan, scan, scanWith, share, single, single, singleOrEmpty, skip, skip, skipLast, skipMillis, skipMillis, skipUntil, skipUntilOther, skipWhile, sort, sort, startWith, startWith, startWith, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribeOn, subscribeWith, switchIfEmpty, switchMap, switchMap, switchOnError, switchOnError, switchOnError, switchOnNext, switchOnNext, take, take, takeLast, takeMillis, takeMillis, takeUntil, takeUntilOther, takeWhile, then, then, then, thenEmpty, thenMany, thenMany, timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout, timeoutMillis, timeoutMillis, timeoutMillis, timeoutMillis, timestamp, timestamp, toIterable, toIterable, toIterable, toStream, toStream, toString, transform, using, using, window, window, window, window, window, window, window, window, windowMillis, windowMillis, windowMillis, windowMillis, windowMillis, withLatestFrom, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zip, zipWith, zipWith, zipWith, zipWith, zipWithIterable, zipWithIterable
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
add, addAll, contains, containsAll, element, iterator, offer, peek, remove, remove, removeAll, retainAll, toArray, toArray
equals, hashCode, parallelStream, removeIf, spliterator, stream
expectedFromUpstream, getPending, limit
public UnicastProcessor(java.util.Queue<T> queue)
public UnicastProcessor(java.util.Queue<T> queue, Cancellation onTerminate)
public UnicastProcessor(java.util.Queue<T> queue, java.util.function.Consumer<? super T> onOverflow, Cancellation onTerminate)
public static <T> UnicastProcessor<T> create()
that will buffer on a given queue in an
unbounded fashion.T
- the relayed typeFluxProcessor
public static <T> UnicastProcessor<T> create(java.util.Queue<T> queue)
that will buffer on a given queue in an
unbounded fashion.T
- the relayed typequeue
- the buffering queueFluxProcessor
public static <T> UnicastProcessor<T> create(java.util.Queue<T> queue, Cancellation endcallback)
that will buffer on a given queue in an
unbounded fashion.T
- the relayed typequeue
- the buffering queueendcallback
- called on any terminal signalFluxProcessor
public static <T> UnicastProcessor<T> create(java.util.Queue<T> queue, java.util.function.Consumer<? super T> onOverflow, Cancellation endcallback)
that will buffer on a given queue in an
unbounded fashion.T
- the relayed typequeue
- the buffering queueendcallback
- called on any terminal signalonOverflow
- called when queue.offer return false and unicastProcessor is
about to emit onError.FluxProcessor
public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscription s)
in interface org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<T>
public long getPrefetch()
in class Flux<T>
, -1L if unspecifiedpublic void onError(java.lang.Throwable t)
in interface org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<T>
public void onComplete()
in interface org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<T>
public void subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<? super T> s)
in interface org.reactivestreams.Publisher<T>
in class FluxProcessor<T,T>
public void request(long n)
in interface org.reactivestreams.Subscription
public void cancel()
in interface org.reactivestreams.Subscription
public int size()
in interface java.util.Collection<T>
public boolean isEmpty()
in interface java.util.Collection<T>
public void clear()
in interface java.util.Collection<T>
public int requestFusion(int requestedMode)
One should request either SYNC, ASYNC or ANY modes (never NONE) and the implementor should return NONE, SYNC or ASYNC (never ANY).
For example, if a source supports only ASYNC fusion but the intermediate operator supports only SYNC fuseable sources, the operator may request SYNC fusion and the source can reject it via NONE, thus the operator can return NONE as well to dowstream and the fusion doesn't happen.
in interface Fuseable.QueueSubscription<T>
- the mode to requestpublic boolean isCancelled()
in interface Trackable
public boolean isStarted()
public boolean isTerminated()
in interface Trackable
public java.lang.Throwable getError()
public java.lang.Object downstream()
in interface Producer
public java.lang.Object upstream()
public long getCapacity()
in interface Trackable
in class FluxProcessor<T,T>
public long requestedFromDownstream()
request needs.
This is the maximum in-flight data allowed to transit to this elements.requestedFromDownstream
in interface Trackable