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MathFluxExtensionsKt - class in reactor.kotlin.extra.math
max(Flux,TypeAliased(typeAlias=GenericTypeConstructor(dri=kotlin/Comparator///PointingToDeclaration/, projections=[], presentableName=null, extra=PropertyContainer(map={})), inner=GenericTypeConstructor(dri=java.util/Comparator///PointingToDeclaration/, projections=[], presentableName=null, extra=PropertyContainer(map={})), extra=PropertyContainer(map={}))) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to find the highest value in a Flux and return it as a Mono.
max(Flux,Function2) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to find the highest value in a Flux and return it as a Mono.
max(Flux) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to find the highest value in a Flux of Comparable values and return it as a Mono of T.
min(Flux,TypeAliased(typeAlias=GenericTypeConstructor(dri=kotlin/Comparator///PointingToDeclaration/, projections=[], presentableName=null, extra=PropertyContainer(map={})), inner=GenericTypeConstructor(dri=java.util/Comparator///PointingToDeclaration/, projections=[], presentableName=null, extra=PropertyContainer(map={})), extra=PropertyContainer(map={}))) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to find the lowest value in a Flux and return it as a Mono.
min(Flux,Function2) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to find the lowest value in a Flux and return it as a Mono.
min(Flux) - function in reactor.kotlin.extra.math.MathFluxExtensionsKt
Extension to find the lowest value in a Flux of Comparable values and return it as a Mono of T.
MonoExtensionsKt - class in reactor.kotlin.core.publisher
MonoWhenFunctionsKt - class in reactor.kotlin.core.publisher
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