Parallelizing Work with ParallelFlux

With multi-core architectures being a commodity nowadays, being able to easily parallelize work is important. Reactor helps with that by providing a special type, ParallelFlux, that exposes operators that are optimized for parallelized work.

To obtain a ParallelFlux, you can use the parallel() operator on any Flux. By itself, this method does not parallelize the work. Rather, it divides the workload into “rails” (by default, as many rails as there are CPU cores).

In order to tell the resulting ParallelFlux where to run each rail (and, by extension, to run rails in parallel) you have to use runOn(Scheduler). Note that there is a recommended dedicated Scheduler for parallel work: Schedulers.parallel().

Compare the next two examples:

Flux.range(1, 10)
    .parallel(2) (1)
    .subscribe(i -> System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " -> " + i));
1 We force a number of rails instead of relying on the number of CPU cores.
Flux.range(1, 10)
    .subscribe(i -> System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " -> " + i));

The first example produces the following output:

main -> 1
main -> 2
main -> 3
main -> 4
main -> 5
main -> 6
main -> 7
main -> 8
main -> 9
main -> 10

The second correctly parallelizes on two threads, as shown in the following output:

parallel-1 -> 1
parallel-2 -> 2
parallel-1 -> 3
parallel-2 -> 4
parallel-1 -> 5
parallel-2 -> 6
parallel-1 -> 7
parallel-1 -> 9
parallel-2 -> 8
parallel-2 -> 10

If, once you process your sequence in parallel, you want to revert back to a “normal” Flux and apply the rest of the operator chain in a sequential manner, you can use the sequential() method on ParallelFlux.

Note that sequential() is implicitly applied if you subscribe to the ParallelFlux with a Subscriber but not when using the lambda-based variants of subscribe.

Note also that subscribe(Subscriber<T>) merges all the rails, while subscribe(Consumer<T>) runs all the rails. If the subscribe() method has a lambda, each lambda is executed as many times as there are rails.

You can also access individual rails or “groups” as a Flux<GroupedFlux<T>> through the groups() method and apply additional operators to them through the composeGroup() method.